Dark Moon Far Reached
Dark Moon Far Reached
Dark Moon Far Reached

Dark Moon Far Reached

The moon wrought rough by human hand

  • Dark Moon Far Reached

    The surface of the moon as grainy, graphite, charcoal-black. Its cratered hide shown as if by a lone explorer with only a pencil, paper and a powerful thirst to record their experience of this strange and magical place.

We humans are curious animals - we are driven to discover whatever is over that next hill, beyond the horizon. The need for exploration is in our DNA - perhaps not for all, but certainly for some. That desire to learn is the seed of our potential to overcome the self destruction that can also define our species.

The moon in this artwork is tactile. The scuffs and creases of an inhospitable, barren landscape spreads from east to west. The terrain is marked by a mysterious grid and the the remnants of some forgotten language.

Dark Moon Far Reached connects us with those other, often hidden motives for our prevalence to voyage across the vacuum and dangers of space. We begin to see figures and faces in the landscape, for wherever we travel, we find faint echos of ourselves in our search for meaning.

Dark Moon Far Reached